Fort Tilden

One half of the restroom/concession pavillion.

The old handball courts.

Derelict building.

The long concrete walkway.

The ocean viewed from the concrete walkway.

The biggest patches of poison ivy I've ever seen.

A closeup. Notice the berries -birds love them.

There were small, gray leaved trees behind the first row of dunes. Their leaves had a plastic-like film on them that must protect the leaves from salt spray and dehydration.


If you click on the image, you can read the sign -"Do Not Enter Bunkers."

Blooming greenish-white, Tall Wormwood, Artemisia campestris, is native to sandy soils and sunny sites across a large swath of the U.S. Apparently the pollen is a severe allergen.

The rugosa or as we used to call them, beach rose.

These yellow, ray-type flowers were all over.

The specimen.

A closeup of the yellow flower.

Pink and white flower with glaucus, lanceolate leaves and purplish stems. Marie (66squarefeet) IDed this as Soapwort.

Milkweed seed pods.

These 6-legged, red and brown bugs on a milkweed seed pod.

Oyster shell on a algae covered boulder.

Of course, the ocean.


  1. The pink and white looks liek soapwort, Saponaria officinalis...just saw a lot in Bushwick!

    Nice oyster...

  2. if you like Fort Tilden I should take you to Sandy Hook,another beautiful Gateway Recreation area in NJ.

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