Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cat Shit And Beer Bottles

Must make the best fertilizer. Things grow here in the side yard like mad. I can hardly control them. 

We're leaving for ocean camping soon and it looks like we'll miss only some of the lilies (unless the pickers come round). Meanwhile we'll be tending to the garlic farm while we camp. I've harvested the first of the Beach Farm's garlic, a Turban, on the small side because I didn't fertilize the Beach Farm this spring. They do have great color this year. Their harvest means that the Amagansett farm's early variety will be ready soon. I'll be blogging mobile for the next week -so please excuse the left-justified, fuzzy images.


  1. Here's wishing you a great harvest and a fun week. You won't work ALL the time, will you?

    1. No because we're only harvesting scapes and two varieties. The bulk come later. But thanks to all the rain we will be weeding. Also preparing the field for next planting. Today we shopped elephant garlic scapes to florists and hunted for barns. Not much luck on both counts. Still tryin.


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