Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Is Light

It's going to get cold tonight, early morning, as the high pressure slips down behind the cold front. I'm listening to the first program of Radiogarden as advertised on GardenRant. In listening to this story, I began to hear my gardening stories in my head and then I realize I'm not listening. I allow the humming to suggest my own humming, similar but unique, and wonder how it all harmonizes.

Minneapolis, Minnesota has just received 16 inches of snow. This is a lot of snow for them to receive at once. Incidentally, I have one painting in a show, the white one -Minnesota snow, up at "Gallery 61" at 16 W61st street, 11th floor,  until Jan 18th. By springtime, maybe May, I'll have enough new work to put together a show of my own, maybe in Brooklyn, maybe elsewhere.  

While I am in Minnesota I plan to update my art site with new work and better images and maybe work on a couple of photo books. Did you know that St. Mark's Bookshop sells handmade books by artists? My wife Betsy sold out a series of books she made last spring and is now putting together another edition of a new book. She's pushing for me to put my photos in small book form, where I think they will work best because they need to be a series and my camera's pixel count is quite low by today's standards for printing (it is going on 7 years). One will be B&W Prospect Park images, and the other of the community garden at Ft. Tilden. What I really need to work out is the ICC profiles, and ink types (I read carbon blacks are the way to go) for printing. These handmade books won't be high priced, although I do not know what they will go for yet -depending rather simply on what they cost to produce.


  1. I see you commenting at Marie's, I pop in here and read (most days!)and now I find that your wife is a book artist!
    The blogging world and the web in general continues to delight me.
    Too bad I shant meet you.Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  2. Thanks for reading! My wife is actually a sculptor
    but has been making books for a year or so now and shelves them at St. Marks Bookshop, where they've sold.

    Aren't you the sitter at Marie's? If so, welcome to NYC!

  3. Yes, I'm the (possibly crazy) cat lady. And thankyou.

  4. I think the book idea is a great one frank. I would look forward to buying a copy


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