Wednesday, February 2, 2011


But I did. And maybe you won't have too. One thing about cold weather -it's intolerable when it's wet, and this morning, it's friggin wet. My fingers still hurt from 15 minutes of ungloved photography. If you could call it that. It's too dark out for good shots, my camera relying on the noisy 400 ISO despite all the bright snow. Shrinking them helps -my tip o the day.

 The little girl with the fuschia umbrella said to me "it's slippery out." Yes.

 The coat of ice on the van.


  1. My Man and I are trading stories of cyclonic winds and freezing rains.
    The "Iceberg" is sleeved in ice...all very surreal!

  2. Ha, would like to see that iceberg. Yes, cyclone bearing down. By the way, you may have a weather site to stay in tune with cyclones, but I prefer

    weather blogger:

  3. Yowzer.

    It's different.

    Nice pictures, all the same.

    Dinah, take one of the Iceberg, please! We are watching your cyclone. Looks big.


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