Sunday, September 2, 2012

September Peaches?

Seems strange. Maybe these are next year's peaches given how ahead of schedule all our months have been in 2012.

Farmer Market peaches.


  1. Some NJ peaches I bought at the Borough market turned wrinkly after two days. Only chilled, store bought peaches have done that before...

  2. Replies
    1. Knew that -hall. These peaches are quite large. I asked the staff at the farm. Funny, they always have these stock answers at hand. I got the one I always get from jersey farmers: we're very far south jersey.


  3. i grew up on an orchard with peach trees so i treasure my peach farmers, nicewecz farm in bolton MA. they pick them as ripe as they can and still transport them. frank, i think you travel through MA occasionally, so check them out if you come thru mid-late august. i am not sure how late they have peaches.


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