Friday, March 8, 2013

When The Blog Wakes

Today is my birthday.

I'm at the studio listening to an episode of Science Friday on the radio. It's about time travel.

I've decided to take a class, again, at the Lower East Side Printshop. I want to make prints, monotypes specifically, because they can be made quickly, but are still beautiful.

As we introduced ourselves, encouraged by the teacher to tell as much, I delivered an oration of everything I am doing lately. Teaching two classes, managing the architectural model shop at school, painting, a community garden, a blog, a small farm.

A woman turned to ask if I had a time machine. I answered "No," in case you were wondering. However, I do not have kids and I have little to no social life.

Much is going on lately, some good, some not so good. I have a lot to say, but little will to write it. The blog, then, is mostly quiet.

Should the blog enter a coma, don't fret. I'm still alive and breathing, listening to what's going on, maybe even thinking or dreaming.

Only near spring can the forecast be for 50 after two days of snow flakes. Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Happy Birthday and good growing in the season ahead. Please keep at it here.

  2. Happy birthday, Frank...

    I think I've been reading your blog...gee, whizz. How long is it? Pretty much since I've been blogging, which is (was) 2007. I must go back and look.

    But it's still one of the rare blogs that I want to, and do, read, as often as you have a new post. There is always something here that is new, and it is always so well written, from a perspective that always offers a point of view that is compelling and the images are just good. A relief for the eyes.

    1. Thanks glendaler, Marie. Yes, since 07. I've always appreciated your support, Marie,
      the most telling being the link in your sidebar!

      I started with a certain idea about what this blog should be, then it changed, and it has evolved into something else once again yet all wrapped in the same skin. That original purpose lost, questions need to be asked. What is the purpose here?

  3. Do you enjoy? Is purpose. If not...theenk.

  4. If nothing else, it's extremely good marketing for Hudson Clove.


I do still post here from time to time, but do not check comments regularly...but please, comment!