Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Camera Thief!

A week and a half back, my camera -an Olympus XZ2 point and shoot was stolen while I was working in the garden. Betsy was there too, just at the other end. It was a Monday morning, around nine, and the street was dead quiet. That's when it happened. We saw nothing, no one. When working in the garden, which for all my years gardening here has included taking pictures, I hang the small camera case on the short spikes of the iron rail, facing inwards. You would hardly notice it unless you were watching.

The pain of it has subsided, but what frustrated me the most, at the moment, was that I consider myself an observant person, a defensive sort, and yet I had a total blind spot -I saw no one, felt no presence in the 3 minutes I looked away. What nags me now is that I shopped relentlessly for a camera that would do all that I needed, and waited until the price dropped to a great deal (under three hundred). Now, needing to buy another, the deal is lost and knowing the camera's few shortcomings, I wonder about buying more than a point and shoot. For now, I'll go back to my phone camera. The pictures here are some of the last downloaded before that morning.

 We had honey bees, well one, on our Russian Sage.

 The afternoon sun, potted annuals, and the iron rail.

 The lily.

 Raspberries at the farmers' market.

Afternoon sun and the day lilies. 

Tomorrow I am off to Boston, then off to Vermont to teach my course Landscape and Meaning, a project which has occupied most of the last few weeks with reading and research. I don't think I'll have an opportunity to blog while there, but one never knows, and if so there is always the mobile blogger experience. The next two days promise to be great weather -enjoy!


  1. Theft is often a crime of convenience. A woman in the complex told me she parked her car right in front of the office and went in the door to get her mail. No one around and no traffic, but her purse disappeared. They crawl out of the ground, I swear.

  2. Oh no, so sorry.

    Um...and I take you you did search the garden really well, too (if it were me, I would have forgotten it somewhere, but your head is screwed on tighter).

    But if it was swiped, that is really horrible.

    Any sign of black or red currants, yet?


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