Another Plant Give Away

The rose bush above is swamped with asters. I need to a) pull them and throw them away or b) dig them up and give them away to needy gardeners.

So this Sunday, May 10th I will have my second annual garden plant giveaway. I've got some yarrow, like the one below, to give away. And some spiderwort, another aster, some Chrysanthemum Sheffield Pink and some coreopsis too. Not a lot of everything, but enough to make a happy gardener or two. Early bird usually catches this worm.

Last year's giveaway went very well, maybe 15 people came by and one or two before the posted hour! I had a lot more to give away then because I was clearing out the side yard. Most visitors saw my signs up in the neighborhood. Only the Flatbush Gardener saw it on the blog and came by.

So here it is.

Perennial Plant Give Away
Sunday, May 10th
9 am - 11 am

rain or shine
Corner or Friel Place and East 7th Street.

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  1. That's a good way to meet the neighbours. All I could give away would be fennel and calamintha, oh, and violets.

    Thank you for posting this, too, because you remindd me of the Battery plant sale..Today!

  2. If I don't put up neighborhood signs, I won't expect too many folks to show up. But all I need is one.

  3. I know it makes it a bigger event, which maybe you don't want, but in my old neighborhood we used to have a yearly plant swap. All the neighbors would bring things to share and it was always a really nice event that helped the greening of many yards. Do you want people to stop by with some of their plants on Sunday? I could bring a few things...

  4. Adriana,

    Ultimately that is the idea. I would like to have an annual plant swap at
    Grand Army Plaza on a sunday in Spring. I just haven't gotten around to the organization yet. But I would like to see if there's interest. Sounds like your interested. I have to give stuff away because I just have no room for anything anymore. If you'd like to stop by to give some stuff away, that is great. I haven't advertised this year outside of the blog. The last time I put posters up (illegally) on the street lamps. Most people came from that signage.

    If you bring some plants, you may end up leaving with some.

    By the way, what do you have?

  5. The weather is supposed to be nice.

  6. I have lavender, not sure what kind but it is gorgeous, some delicate white flower that I haven't seen before and I'm not sure what it is (would love to identify), chives, mint (a weed I know but we love our patch) and a few other things that I'm not too sure what they are. I also have a few too many walking iris indoor plants that are lovely but I am running out of windowsill space for, they love sun. I will try to bring a few things over if that's OK, hopefully someone might want them, I'll try to get there early! I would love some yarrow :)


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