All in a Day's Work

I started moving plants from the side yard this morning. I moved Phlox, Heuchera, Japanese Iris, Monkshood, Poppy,and Geranium "Johnson's Blue." This was in addition to the yarrow that had been divided last fall, the new Chrysanthemum "Sheffield Pink" (by the way a spreader!) and the asiatic lillies we got from Minnesota last summer. Either way we are jamb-packed in the front garden.

I am wondering how well the Monkshood will do in the sunny front garden (awfully hot). Also I am contemplating where to put the fern that has to be moved from near the house in the side garden. I am thinking of moving it to the front garden, in between the perennial ageratum and the seaside solidago (the least afternoon sun). Did I mention jamb-packed?

Its just that this threat of re-siding the building is having me gather the defenses all in one area. I feel like it will be easier to protect the plants. I will save some plants in the side garden by leaving them just where they are -mostly out of the way of where work is to be done I hope.

We decided to build boxes and will grow vegetables that we can move when the workers come. In the next two weeks I plan to have a sidewalk perennial giveaway. I am making an attempt to borrow old perennial pots from J&L Landscaping around the corner. I'll put up some signs locally and see if I get any bites. Free plants anyone?
