Toolish Pride

I love my garden tools. In NYC, I don't need too many because the garden is small and so is the apartment. Keeping it simple keeps me from having to store underused tools. I have 5 tools, a spool of twine, and some gloves. Three of these tools I use regularly, the rake seasonally, and lopper hardly ever (but I couldn't get rid of it just in case). My tools:

Spear & Jackson long-handled trowel
Spear & Jackson spade

By-pass pruner is a Felco #2
Mini-rake - Ames brand

Lopper -mystery, the logo has worn off

One of my favorite tool sources is Peaceful Valley Farm Supply -thats where I got my spade. Another good source is Lee Valley Tools. Its hard to get good gardening tools locally. Most hardware stores carry Ames or Tru-temper brand tools. I've had those, but used them up. But the Ames mini rake my wife found at Lowes. We needed something small for our small garden and this fit the bill.


  1. I need to get a good pruner. Mine is a hand me down from our grandma and aren't sharp any longer. And has nicks on the blade. Do you like this pruner?

  2. I like Felco no. 2- have had it for 15 years and its sharpenable, blade replaceable.

  3. I love all of your tools, especially the mini rake and the pruners, but where is the table fork and big soup spoon? I find with my city container gardening and in small spaces, old tableware is invaluable. Nothing like a fork for hand cultivation or a big spoon for measuring out a bit of amendment.


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