Friday, January 23, 2009


Today was the most spring like day in a month, this after two weeks in Minnesota and two weeks in New Hampshire. I think we went above 40 degrees and it got me looking at the garden. This was a bad year to experiment with overwintering young broccoli plants, although one or two are alive. Its been colder than our normally abnormally warm winters. And I've been away, never expecting my tented broccoli to dry out in two weeks. I think this hurt more than the cold.

The side garden, snow mostly melted by today

But over in the side garden I noticed that the spinach I planted last fall was still alive, poking green through a thin crust of snow. And the parsley too was still cookin' albeit under a thicker blanket if snow.

The warm day melted most of the snow that covered these planters

I'm thinking about expansion more than ever, but the question is how. There's a dilapidated lot down the block, and a community garden a short bus ride away that I've been hesitantly moving around. I kinda just want to do my own thing, but then there are so few opportunities to touch soil in NYC. There's bureacracy and organizing to do when planning community gardens. The lot down the street belongs to a contractor, has an old foundation in it, and lots of trash. And no water. But the fence has blown down and it'd be good to clean it up. I don't think the neighbors would mind, but you never know until done.

Warmish, sunny day ruminations -and all those old and new seeds packets exerting their influence.

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