!!Crocus Explosion!!

It just wouldn't be garden blog right if I didn't put my crocus blooming on the web. Its the crocus photos at winter's end that seem like photos of your friends' children at Christmas. I love garden photos, but everyone's dishing these. Here they are:


  1. Well, they sure are purdy. Very nice pics. I was so reluctant to post my BBG crocuses, or even to photograph them in the first place...so predictable.

  2. And somehow just not good enough! I love my crocus, but really. They are like the first ones at the party always, say the same things then get drowned out by more interesting guests arriving fashionably late. Now if I could only get enough saffron crocus in the yard, that may be interesting.

  3. Oh wow...what variety are they? Locavore saffron :-)

  4. I'm just wild about Cat Scat Saffron and she's just wild bout me!


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