Philadelphia Flower Show
I won two tickets to the Philadelphia Flower Show from the NYC garden blog called Garden Bytes From The Big Apple! The blog authors, Ellen Spector Platt and Ellen Zachos have great knowledge of houseplants and container gardening among other things, and they give away prizes!
I've never been to the Philly Flower Power Hour, or to anything remotely like a flower or garden show. I do know that its the top dog in the U.S. of gardening A. because it is so often mentioned in the gardening press. I have imaginings of something part Disney, part Automobile Show, part Rodale Institute, part Botanical Conservatory, and hopefully not part Funerary Display.
The one down side: getting there. A quick review of Amtrak says $180 round trip for two to Philly. $180!!! No wonder people drive. Mass transit should be cheaper than driving. That should be its priority selling point -Uh, we're cheaper than driving. I'll probably take Greyhound, at about 60 bucks for two, roundtrip. Cool, okay -reasonable enough, bus -well
I must submit to mass transit, I don't have a car.
If you are coming from NYC, try New Jersey Transit to Trenton, and Septa to Market East Station. You will be literally steps from the flower show. It is worth seeing once.
ReplyDeleteCool! I've been to remarkably few shows myself...I prefer plant sales and geek talks. But I'm sure it will be amazing.
ReplyDeleteI hope so. Plant sales are the shit.
ReplyDeleteI know this post is one year old, but - there are cheap Chinatown buses from NYC, currently at $15 one way.