Sunday, March 22, 2009

What I've Needed All Along

I discovered a couple of blogs through a chain of blog looking that we all know. So thanks to a somewhat bombastic comment left on Garden Rant that sent me looking at said bombast's blog which held these two blog gems:

a couple samples:
The fantasmic topiary of Pearl Fryar
Wang Tingna's Gardens of the Hall Encircled by Jade

a couple samples:
View of Delft
The West Lake of Hangzhou

Garden History Girl also has another site called GOOD CHURCH DESIGN.
Both her blogs are delightfully filled with so much good stuff.

Angling the Pews
It feels better just looking at the angled pews, and so much easier to enter and exit.

Better Parking
I never really thought about this usage, church P-lots are used less than 30 hours a week at max capacity. Makes for a perfect grass paver installation.

I've added these to my blog follow list.

1 comment:

I do still post here from time to time, but do not check comments regularly...but please, comment!