How Grows It?

The snap peas are producing lovely flowers, but barely a snack's worth of eating. Sorry snap pea 'Sugar Ann,' your probably off to compost land. I want to put in the tomatoes, so I will snip all the shoots and eat them instead.

The tomato seedlings, after many hardships are waiting to be potted up. They almost fried, they almost drowned in all that rain (I forgot to take them out of the pan), got pelted by roof drip, and then the slugs worked their stems a bit. Its time.

The broccoli 'Calabrese' has taken off, but warm weather looms. I do think it'll be better to grow the broccoli in the late summer and fall, tenting them when it frosts. The plants are sporting some mini florets.

The side yard broccoli already has the flat leaf parsley planted in its pot. The broccoli moving along slow, so I thought I'd give them some motivation. Its the parsley planter after all.

Leafy greens shooting back after their first haircut. Soon they'll have tomatoes to skirt.

Basil and cilantro are potted up.
