Thursday, June 25, 2009

Front Yard Flowers

I think the broccoli 'calabrese' flowers are quite nice with their blue-green foliage.

Its ugly out there. I needed to hack back the New Dawn climber rose (on the left) to let light and air to the plants beneath. Now there's sort of a New Dawn grotto.

But my Allium sphaerocephalon is beginning to blush.

It's egg shape appeals to me over the globe-shaped kind.

My Sidalcea, I believe 'party girl'.

I'm not that happy with the look of the front yard this year, but compared to 4 years ago...

It's a mess.


  1. It's a beautiful mess. As you note, it's a definite improvement over what it once was. Always lovely to see growing things in the city. Trim up just a few htings and you'll have an English Garden look.

  2. Indeed, a beautiful mess! Quite the improvement!

    What is the vine starting to grow up the building?

  3. it's funny you know, many people see the wild flowers like simple flowers, but according to some experts, specially from Viagra Online botanical institute, be sorrounded by this flower can help you to reduce stress levels.


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