Front Yard Flowers

I think the broccoli 'calabrese' flowers are quite nice with their blue-green foliage.

Its ugly out there. I needed to hack back the New Dawn climber rose (on the left) to let light and air to the plants beneath. Now there's sort of a New Dawn grotto.

But my Allium sphaerocephalon is beginning to blush.

It's egg shape appeals to me over the globe-shaped kind.

My Sidalcea, I believe 'party girl'.

I'm not that happy with the look of the front yard this year, but compared to 4 years ago...

It's a mess.


  1. It's a beautiful mess. As you note, it's a definite improvement over what it once was. Always lovely to see growing things in the city. Trim up just a few htings and you'll have an English Garden look.

  2. Indeed, a beautiful mess! Quite the improvement!

    What is the vine starting to grow up the building?


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