Tools Of The Trade

How did I become this guy's tool?

While I was not completely pleased with the Times article...

But it does mention that I grow in pots at the end, although I see that this is not up to the standards of Mr. Hyland.

I see a cranky post growing in my pot bottom.


  1. You don't like the free advertising?

  2. It ain't free advertising Michelle when he only uses my name, yet cares not for what I do or who I am. Just a guy lifting an article off the web and using it to support his ideas. I know we all do that to some degree from time to time, but I didn't like how he spun the spin.

    He mentions not this blog or anything else.

  3. I suggested in a comment he link to your blog in the post, but the comment never made it to the 'sphere...

  4. Thanks. I did comment too, but no reply. I did enjoy calling him Mr. Growbox though. I'm not so sensitive, but for shits and giggles I suppose.

    I am just a blogger, my sense of mission is less clear. He's a guy on a mission!

  5. Oh, I know. Shits and giggles here, too :-)

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