What's Been Going On?

Well, its autumn in NYC. I've been busy. This morning was the first in a while that I was able to get into the garden and see all that is happening there. That post to come later.

There are a few things I've been working on. One is my art website, made in the oldest version of iweb and uploaded this week. Took me more than a year to do it. I will add the link (oh, horror- my full name!) to my side bar should you ever want to see what painting or project I am up to. There may be bugs to be ironed out, but you know this.

I did some consulting for the National Park Service regarding artist-in-residence programs recently, and was also named a Future Leadership fellow by National Arts Strategies, who partnered with NYFA. The fellowship entitled me to a full day executive class at the Brooklyn Museum on financial management for non-profit organizations. It was taught by a great teacher, Greg Reilly, Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Business. He made it real simple for us arts folks.

I've also been involved curating an exhibit of painting, drawing, and sculpture called 'reaganography'. The opening next sunday and the card image is below (click on that image for a larger view). The gallery is in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and is called NoGlobe.

click for larger image


  1. Wow - there's some nice stuff there. Totally greyed harbour is a favourite. Also wonderful angles of city and light.

    So...prices upon application, I suppose?

  2. What's the application? Honestly, usually people run when I talk prices. I wouldn't even think of putting prices on the website!

  3. Thanks, though, for your kind words!


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