Sunday, May 2, 2010

May As Well Be June

About 8:30 am today, walking to Cortelyou to see what's at the farmers' market. I chose a different route for the trip south -I stayed my side of CIA. From full concrete yards to an interzone full of gardening misdirections, I inhaled the scent of hose water on hot mornings. I walked lazily, camera in hand because there's always something that catches my eye. I hesitated, though, this morning to photograph -same laziness? The breeze was coming in off the ocean, the way it can on summer mornings. The interzone, part concrete -part yard and garden gave way to full on yards. My camera was unleashed.

This shade "garden" adjoins a long abandoned house and yard.


I turned left, looking for a pizza place that's supposed to be good. I didn't find it. I head for the farmer's market. Along the way I notice Vox Pop, the coffee shop, has closed due to owed back taxes -they're taking donations. Today's market had more flowering plants than vegetables. No ramps, but youngions and garlic greens. I bought three bunches for $7. I bought some boneless turkey thigh at Di Paola and a scone from the baker -I was hungry. Then I made my way north, back to my house, via Ditmas Park.

Its awfully lush out there, for May two. May as well be June.

But the pleasantness of Ditmas Park's sidewalk and strips gave way to all kinds of detritus. Left out on an over-warm spring night -unfinished meals in food containers, human feces and wipe, and this bag which startled me because I thought there was an animal inside.

But then there was this. Creepy, or just a kids night out on the strip, cut short by bedtime?

I moved on.

Porch-top container garden.

Too much, overwhelming.

While I generally don't like shrubs for strip plantings, I do like rugosas and their heady scent.

Shrub sculpting -where yew meet azalea.

What I wouldn't give for a small, lush lawn, forget this huge lawn, for my bare feet on a warm day like today. After, bbq.

My own front yard garden is June lush, despite it being May.

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