May As Well Be June
About 8:30 am today, walking to Cortelyou to see what's at the farmers' market. I chose a different route for the trip south -I stayed my side of CIA. From full concrete yards to an interzone full of gardening misdirections, I inhaled the scent of hose water on hot mornings. I walked lazily, camera in hand because there's always something that catches my eye. I hesitated, though, this morning to photograph -same laziness? The breeze was coming in off the ocean, the way it can on summer mornings. The interzone, part concrete -part yard and garden gave way to full on yards. My camera was unleashed.

This shade "garden" adjoins a long abandoned house and yard.

I turned left, looking for a pizza place that's supposed to be good. I didn't find it. I head for the farmer's market. Along the way I notice Vox Pop, the coffee shop, has closed due to owed back taxes -they're taking donations. Today's market had more flowering plants than vegetables. No ramps, but youngions and garlic greens. I bought three bunches for $7. I bought some boneless turkey thigh at Di Paola and a scone from the baker -I was hungry. Then I made my way north, back to my house, via Ditmas Park.

I moved on.

Porch-top container garden.

Too much, overwhelming.

While I generally don't like shrubs for strip plantings, I do like rugosas and their heady scent.

Shrub sculpting -where yew meet azalea.

My own front yard garden is June lush, despite it being May.
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