Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cat Flowers

It all started rather simply. I cut the iris stalks this morning, sure that a good frost would do them in. Well, after my return from the studio, I decided why not pull in some sunflowers and chrysanthemums before they succumb? And that's how it all began.

Why stop there? I went back out and picked some pineapple sage, the remaining pincushion flowers, some borage, even some hardy ageratum that hadn't yet fully bloomed.

While I was out there, and even earlier in the day, I thought to myself how I had not found the mantis eggs this year. Well, while I was pulling leaves off the chrysanthemums, nothing but that happened to fall off. I brought it outside and put it on the rose bush.

But, we cannot have nice things. Why? Because beast cat Pinkie will, as soon as you turn away, destroy all your nice things. For this reason, we never have cut flowers in the house, or if we do, they must be put way up on top of the fridge. While I was cutting the stems, she was there waiting for her turn to participate. Even as I write this I caught her on the table, paw to the flowers. If I were to keep this on the table and leave, I would return to find the vase broken on the floor, the flowers spread all around, and, of course, the puddle.

Update: pineapple sage did not care for a few hours in the vase -wilt, wilt, wilt, trash. The borage is mixed, some floppy, some strong. I must admit to really liking cut flowers and if I had a large space would probably have an area just for growing cuts. And since I am dreaming, I would also have a space where the cat don't shine, and the vase unfazed by capricious felinity.


  1. Wow! I can't believe you had all these flowers still blooming in December! Seriously, wow! I just bought a pineapple sage plant at the farmer's market. It's my new love!

  2. I'm lucky, south of the moraine we are in another climate altogether. The PS is a great plant, blooms later than everything else I grow, because it comes back despite being the 'tender perennial, hardy annual' in our zone.


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