Yeah, It's Hot, But It's A Dry Heat

We were working at the studio, the not-a-cooling-station studio, until 2:30. It may have been in the high 90s in there. Afterward, we headed down to the beach farm, somewhere around the time that my thermometer said 104 degrees F. We could catch some sea breeze and I needed to wrap those tomatoes with bird netting. And that's just what I did. Fortunately the wind wasn't blowing. Wait. What? The wind wasn't blowing, no onshore flow? Why not, it always blows when it's hot? Guess we must of equalized, but somewhere around 9 pm the wind did pick up, just slightly, and cooler, from the water. I drank cold beer, bbqed, and then watched distant fireworks. You should've seen the look on those birds' faces.


  1. It's blistering hot not to have a sea breeze! You wrap all your tomatoes with bird netting? I never thought to do that, I should, since we had squirrels steal our maters last year.


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