Minnesota Autumn

In just two days we will be heading to Minnesota via metal bird. I'm excited, I've never been there in the Autumn.  It's my father-in-law's 80th birthday, so we'll be cooking up a storm for the party. But we will also hit the mosquito-less woods (yes!) for edible mushrooms -corals, chickens, hens, oysters. I also plan on getting back to the Minneapolis Farmers' Market to check out their offerings, with an eye for garlic. What are they growing and what's it go for?

Speaking of garlic, I am linking up with a couple of Hudson Valley gardeners who have space to share with my garlic overflow. What'd I promptly do -yep, bought more seed from a supplier with beautiful stock. So now to make a couple of trips to the sites; first to prepare the beds, then to plant. Must keep my eyes on the upstate weather now as I take my distance gardening extreme. Ha -I'll also be bringing some garlic to Minnesota. My father-in-law loves garlic, so what better to give an 80 year old man that has everything.


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