Monday, September 19, 2011

Yard Flower

The self-seeded cosmos

Perennial ageratum, or Eupatorium, has begun to bloom.

Gaura in white, been going all summer.

Asiatic Dayflower, Commelina communis, doing so well (thanks to the rain?)

They have more blue flowers on any given day than I've ever seen before.

Its pal, Smartweed, is doing well too. I think this is one of the most polymorphic, adaptable plants around.

Pincushion, Scabiosa.

And NY Ironweed, threadleaf style, Vernonia lettermannii.


  1. I love the Vernonias. I'm not sure why more people don't grow them. Maybe they are too subtle. I've never seen that commelina before. Gorgeous.

    Is that gaura hardy for you? I can't seem to overwinter it in NJ.

    Enjoy Minneapolis. If you haven't toured the Guthrie Theater, check it out. It's free and open all day. Great architecture that would never be built in today's lean times.

  2. your photos are beautiful--the colors are really intense. i did not plant cosmos in my garden this year and i really miss them. i already made a note to plant them next year and this is a reminder.
    thank you

  3. the gaura is hardy, though does better some years. Surprised you haven't seen that commelina, its the common weed.

    thanks Betsy.

  4. I guess I pull that commelina before it ever flowers. It's an intense blue.

  5. Are these all yours? Gorgeous! I tried growing a few vegetables in the front yard this year but am thinking of sticking to flowers next year. You've given me some ideas... thanks!

  6. Brian,
    They usually start flowering by June. The blue is true.
    Revel, yes they are. I am not fond of the vegs in the front yard after three years of semi-success. Too much going on there -people, animals, garbage, yadda yadda. Glad I could help.


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