Morning Flowers

This is one place my mind has been lately. Actually, just passed that little plume of smoke rising above the fog -to the upper left. Having become an Eckerton Hill type garlic farmer over the last month has absorbed a lot of my time and attention. And then there are the three shows. I'll post an announcement for the Brooklyn exhibit as soon as the date and time are finalized. I made it to the beach farm yesterday to check on things before work -a post about that soon. In the meantime, I check on the flowers on my way out, happy that I planned well enough that they take care of themselves and are supposed to look somewhat messy. I read that we shouldn't serve two masters. How 'bout three?

I've barely been able to appreciate the Eupatorium this year. Where does the time go?

And the monkshood, Aconitum? This is all that remains of what was a lush stand earlier this year. I think it was killed by cats. How, you ask? I always find a cat laying at night in the spot in which it used to grow. Compaction, warming the soil, who knows. I also think, now, that people had sex against our building which trampled and killed the bleeding hearts and ferns that were doing exceptionally well until then. What led me to this conclusion? The napkins.

The cosmos ask for nothing, but an occasional deadheading.

We have lots of irises coming up now -much, much earlier than last year.

Stick your nose in there, it's goooood.

Aster time in full swing. These in the side yard amongst the smart weed.

But seeds drifting to the center tree pit has created the real show. All new this year, these asters filled in like weeds, but only this center tree pit. Must be something to do with the dynamics of wind, seed dispersal, and the stoop.

Sedum's second bloom. With bees.

New Dawn has had an exceptionally long and floriferous second bloom. Must've been all that rain in August and September.


  1. Huh - just realized that my New Dawn has not rebloomed. Weird. Iris is one of my favourite scents - saw some in bloom at Green-wood, too, at the great, massive entrance.


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