Thanksgiving Leftovers

A few images from Thanksgiving, already four days ago.

 A brief interlude in Forest Park where I found me some shiny fungus.

 And yellow balls aglow above.

 Back at home, the tree that refuses to fall.

 And the sunflowers that refuse to quit.

 And the polychromatic chrysanthemums.

 That refuse fencelines.

 And the last of the new dawn roses (??).

And the fiery Zelkova, stoopside.


  1. Are those persimmons? I tried to enlarge the photo but couldn't tell. You know what I'm thinking...

  2. Ellen, that tree was at least 70 feet tall. I thought it was a gum tree, but it didn't have any leaves and I didn't notice the seeds on the ground like I usually do.

    Get your climbers on.


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