Change Of Season
The lettuce have peaked, with outer leaves folding down toward the soil. We've only 5 heads remaining, but wow, what a productive 20 square feet.
Cilantro now fully bolted and flowered, the young to return in a month's time. I wish I cooked enough for all the cilantro that can be grown in 2 square feet.
Snap peas, slow to start, but invigorated by the month of May, are finally letting go of the cucumber trellis. Fennel, finocchio romanesco, is close to flowering and bulbs are being pulled. Carrots here?
The French beans, first planted in the Turban garlic beds. Second planting was last Saturday.
Asclepias syriaca in bloom; scented evenings at the beach farm.
Always worth a closer look.
Your little slice of heaven so full of cilantro. Sweet.