There has been a heavier heart this big woods trip. Rex likes to say that there are only two things in nature -chaos and chance. I like to say that the only thing between civilization and chaos is maintenance.
From the very first day, we've been at work on the house as rot has set in. We stem the tide and wait for next summer.
The air has been cool, and I have seen the leaves changing, day to day.
This morning, Rex and Betsy left at 5:30 for the Mayo Clinic. I left for breakfast around 6:45 and saw Autumn's first mist on the marshlands.
The trails have not been worked, and have not been walked. There's no greater sign to the changing of things in the woods. Oak wilt has taken out more of the red oaks, and old falls have not been sawed. Nettles grow, obscuring the path for the first time in my decade of coming here.
Indian Pipe appears ghostly for the first time.
The bridge is missing planks, and most have rotten through. It is now dangerous to cross the marsh unaware.
sad. and inevitable, I think.