Hudson Clove Live
Garlic ordering is on. The HUDSON CLOVE tab on the top left is now live -taking you directly to my garlic site. The site is functional, although a work in progress, and you will be able to order and pay through the site.
My mission here is to introduce into NYC the variety of organically-grown garlic that is available in other regions of the U.S. and world. At NYC Greenmarket, you can buy two kinds of garlic -mostly conventionally grown Porcelain, while Keith's farm sells an organic Rocambole. No one grows and sells Silverskins or Artichoke, Turban or Asiatic -but they should! You want Turban and Asiatic because they will be cured earlier than anything farmers currently bring to market. Artichoke and Silverskin because these will last a long long time in a cool spot in your apartment and that means fresh garlic in the winter and maybe spring. The reason farmers aren't growing them is mostly a matter of practice, but also a matter of education and to some extent the difficulty of growing these varieties at scale. Ultimately, I would like to see my crop produce seed standard bulbs, so gardeners can buy seed bulbs that are already acclimated to our climate.
If you are willing, consider your purchase as a way to pay for last season's seed or a way to pay for half of this season's seed. Maybe you would rather pay for a portion of this season's acreage? Your bundle will pay for 10% of a year's rent -that is significant! Whatever your reason, this small amount helps support my chance to grow on a real farm with perfect soil for an even better garlic crop next season.
Whew. Okay, the shop is open. We will have a pickup weekend this Saturday and Sunday at my studio during the GO weekend if you would rather not pay shipping and/or you would like to see my paintings. We will be open from 11 am to 7 pm, both days. If you order via our site, I will email you directions for the pickup. Or, you may simply come by and if I have any remaining garlic you can purchase it. Thanks!
Beautiful Frank. Hope you are sold out already!