Sprechende Sauce

The "Speckled Roman" saucing tomato -perfect. Maybe the juiciest long (roma, plum, saucing, paste or whatever we're calling them) tomato I've ever grown. Good flavor, good looking and moderately productive.

Through the saucer. Great tool, but the mesh is made of nickel or maybe zinc-plated steel, or, in other words -a rusting tool. Recommendation is to oil it, but I'm not fond of that. Little hard to clean the screen too, but I can say with confidence that this tool will put the screen pan my mother used to use, that I now own, out of business.


  1. Could you use olive oil on the mesh to prevent rust? At least it's a sauce ingredient...

    1. yep, oil. Why do I have this imagination of finding cat hairs stuck to its sticky , oily surface? That's worse than rust.


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