Thursday, May 15, 2014

Garlic And Lettuce

As you can see, the garlic is getting quite tall now, the blood meal finally kicking in.

But I lamented not adding compost last fall, and so picked up twelve bags of composted cow manure to spread over two plots on Friday, before the heavy weekend rains, and probably too late to do any real good.

My main target was the garlic weakly growing on the edges, in the under cultivated soil, although I do find the yellowing leaf tips of the Asiatic strains a curiosity and wonder what, if any, effect it may have.

In the row blanks, where garlic simply didn't make it (this spot, southwest corner of the plot, was bad last year too), I plant lettuce.

Looking forward to it, we're eating a lot of salads these days.


  1. Love seeing all these stalks of garlic. Did you collect scapes this year?

    It's nice that you squeezed in lettuce in the bare spots. No precious land goes unplanted!


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