
There are things you must do that you decided are a must, but no one else, or maybe someone else, but why should we care about the rules of others in matters not of their concern? A lesson graciously provided, over and over again.

 Although house work looms at the preface of autumn, the introduction to day.

Early autumn is a fantastic spectre of shortened days, shortened seasons, and shortened lives. Who decides what must be your day?

I stop to photograph the sand hill cranes whose prehistoric call so often heard, their bodies little seen. 

Walk to see small victories of woods gardening -an aster...

recovering jewelweed...

and the appearance of zig zag goldenrod along the drainage we attended to for three springs.

Now, on to applications for grants, house painting, plant planting, drainage installing, arboretum course development, and all the other allergenic musts that occupy any given day.
