View this post on Instagram Bombyliidae fly or Bee Fly. A fly, a pollinator, a parasite. Excellent fliers with a long proboscis (like a butterfly, but not as long), they hover, hardly ever landing, to sip nectar and eat pollen from a large variety of flowers. Bee flies do not land, unlike bees, yet they still do a job of transferring pollen among the flowers. In spring they flick their eggs near the ground nests of solitary bees and wasps so that their young can enter and eat the pollen store and then the larvae. It’s gruesome out there but beautiful too. #beefly #insects #insectsofinstagram #summer #pollinators #pollinatorplants #prairie #prairieplants #prairieclover #nativeplants #nativefly #fly #nectar #pollen #parasite #stopmotion #shutterspeed #burstmode #focus #infocus #sharp #mygarden #mygardentoday #patience #holdstill #shotoniphone #shotoniphonese @apple A post shared by @ artist_and_builder on Jul 5, 2020 at 7:02am PDT
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