Another Successful Giveaway

The plant giveaway went well. I gave plants to about four people, including these guys below.

It was close one, but fortunately the paramedics were the first on the scene, arriving just in time to save some asters. Said asters are now recuperating, in stable condition, in the garden.

I also gave another gardener a bunch of asters and a yarrow, and she brought me some chives, a mystery white flower for shade (me thinks snowdrop, but its kinda late), and a houseplant called walking iris, Neomarica gracilis. That's now living on the shelf made for seed sprouting in the

Also gave away some coreopsis and eupatorium, but couldn't sell anyone on the spiderworts (already everywhere) or maximilian sunflowers (always an easier sell when flowering).

Over all, quite a few divisions were spared an untimely death. Have to get going on that plant swap idea...


  1. Hey Frank,

    Nice meeting you on Sunday, and thanks for the plants. I posted a couple pix on flickr, check 'em out.


  2. Cool. Thanks Mike. Good to meet you as well!


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