Road To Improvement

All the field grasses are blooming, going to seed. There's too many to ID, I'll leave that to another time, another moment of growth.

I like the silvery grass, so hard to capture with my ancient camera, or any maybe.

It glows at dusk.

Its hard to imagine what this place looked like 100 years ago. Not this much woods, as the painting below attests.

Road To The Land of Nod by Child Hassam, 1910. 

I've tried to locate the quarry-like depression you see at the top of the hill in the painting. I'm pretty certain I found it, deep in the woods, behind a row of megalomansions. Anyhow, most trees cut for farming, stones thrown to walls -they called this land improvement back in the day. Nowadays, land improvement generally refers to home development, wetland drainage, road building, etc. or what we could call -building a tax base. Although some refer to reforestation, ecological restoration, and so on as land improvement (wikipedia art. definitely not written by the Land Improvement Contractors of America).
