Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love A Rainy Night

ooh ooh.

The plants have been growing like mad this year, rainy nights or not. The beans, this is them two days ago. Today, they're 8 inches tall.

The tomatoes put on another few inches last night. All, but for the orange mystery tomato given to me by a neighbor -those seem to be short and stocky (lower left). Even the borage added a few more inches.

We pulled some old iron pot stands out of storage.

The painting of the house has begun this morning. Turns out, the man with the paint brush told me, that he's only painting one side of the house -the side that faces our side garden. Apparently, the only reason he is painting the building at all is because the landlady has some leftover paint from his painting of her building. So one side will be painted. He seems reluctant to mess with our plants, and I understand that.

Allium sphaerocephalon and some lilies. Alliums should've been staked long ago.

Bees love the borage.

Sidalcea malviflora (yes, the partygirl).

Morning coffee and deadheading.


  1. The rain was amazing. Looks great, all of it. Good luck with the painter.

  2. Love it when it rains! The garden seems to really grow fast when it does!


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