Allium Ampeloprasum

So who wouldn't want these? What florist wouldn't see their appeal? Most of them, apparently. We had one Hamptons' florist buy fifty stems, but all the others wouldn't bite. What do you think?


  1. I agree they have potential for floral interest. I'll be the devil's advocate: How much odor are they giving off?

    1. N.O.N.E.
      the cut stem will have a mild onion scent if you get close. But that goes in water. As a bouquet and with others, I'm not smelling it. Hot room? Maybe.

    2. I've seen everything in bouquets and floral arrangements: berries, succulents, small branches, proteus, you name it. I'm sure some florists aren't as adventurous as others, though.

      Perhaps some pictures of how they were used by the florist that purchased the 50 stems?

    3. I'm not sure how she used them. She was hesitant about the purchase because she wasn't sure they would move. I think she was just being nice because it really wasn't a lot of money. Too busy with harvest to follow up at the moment. Maybe I'll send her an email and ask of they've been

    4. Ask if they've been used in any arrangements.

  2. I think they're gorgeous and those florists were dead wrong. I love to have a vase of those scapes in my home.

    1. I think I may have underestimated the conservative aesthetic of the Hamptons.


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