Rose Colored Evening
I took the red line from Columbus Circle to the Brooklyn Museum stop after work, with an hour to visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden after hours. There was music, wine, roses out the wazoo, hats and garden wear.
So many more people than the last time I made it to this event (most were under the cherry trees just over the hedge).
A tidal wave, no an avalanche of roses greets you as you turn lilac corner.
The sheer quantity of Hesperis matronalis decorating the rose garden frees me from the guilt of cultivating just one of these in our garden. Then I thought of the purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, which decorates City Hall Park, and then I imagined ecologists outside the city gnashing their teeth.
Hell, I should know what this it, saponaria, lychnis, what?
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